CNH Industrial: Burlington

CNH Industrial: Burlington

The CNHI Dozer Project will expand the production capacity of the Burlington plant and introduce a new product line to the plant: crawlers/ dozers used for construction. The plant will produce six crawler/dozer models that cover the major volume categories of the North American Free Trade Agreement market. The project will require $24 million of capital and expense for placement of fabrication, paint and assembly within the existing 963,000 sq. foot facility. The project will cover 45,000 sq. feet and will be integrated into the existing facility. The project will require one assembly line with the capacity to rapidly expand as required by market demand. The major equipment capital expenditure for the project is a new state-of-the-art, environmentally-efficient, paint system. The project is expected to increase plant revenue by 25%.

  • Categories: Burlington, Rural, Success Story
  • Property: CNH Industrial
  • Location: Burlington, IA
  • Poverty Rate: 14.2%
  • Unemployment Rate: 8.0%
  • Median Income: 63.3% of area median income
  • Setting: Rural
  • Project Cost: $24.0 million
  • Impact: 50 direct jobs
  • NMTC allocation: $10 million
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